dimarts, 7 de gener del 2020

Unit 3: Being active (Dynamics unit 4)

A Blog Post

Resultat d'imatges de extreme sports

Paragraph 1: Describe the activity, trip...

I am going to describe one of the best experiences of my life... I would never have told that I would have liked it so much. I'm going to tell you the first time that I.....

Paragraph 2: Explain why have you decided to do this activity. In other words, explain the reasons that persuaded you to do the activity.

First I thought that I'd never do it but I've decided to... because...

Pargraph 3: Describe the activity you have done.
It was a sunny/windy/cold/ morning/ afternoon/night...I got to ...... by........ with ......... We started.... at ....o'clock  Then I...., later we......, afterwards......

Paragraph 4: Talk about your feelings after having done the activity.

As a result of my experience I...
I would always remember this day because...

1st, 2nd and 3rd conditional

Conditionals explanation
1st Conditional Activity
2nd Conditional Activity
3rd Conditional Activity
Mixed conditionals activity
Conditionals in the negative
Conditionals test
Conditionals Kaho

Vocabulary 4b

Health Problems Quiz

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PRINTABLE PDF VOCABULARY LIST WRITING:  COVER LETTER STRUCTURE Opening Dear Sir/Madam Paragraph 1 (Where you saw the ad and the ...