dissabte, 14 de desembre del 2019



Image result for creating an advertisement

We are very near Christmas, the most consumist holiday of the year, These days we are going to create an ad to sell one product.

You will be given a product without a name. A product without a name is a commodity (mercancia), it is only sold by price or availability. Nobody looks for it in the market. You have to transform it into a product you would look for.

1st Step
Image result for product description
You have to give an accurate and specific description of the product you want to sell.
Name of the product
What do you use your product for?
What is it made of?
How much does it cost?
Who makes it?
Who is the competition?
How is it packaged?
Write a report on your conclusions following the pattern below:
We have to create an ad for a _________. Its name is __________. It is used to________________.It is made of __________.I costs ___________. It is made by _________. We have some competitors in the market. They are __________. We decided to package it in the following way__________.

2nd Step
Image result for target customer 

Who would want to buy your product?
Why would they like your product?
What are other things your target market likes?
Write a report on your conclusions

Image result for good productsOur target customer is ________. They like our product because _______ ______. Our target customer also likes ____________

3rd Step
What is good about your product?
Why would anyone buy your product?
Why is your product better than others?
Write a report on your conclusions
Our product has a very good quality ____________________. People would buy it because ___________________. It is better than its competitors because__________.
4th Step
Image result for conceptual ads 

Now we have to make people try our product for the first time. We have to make them choose our product among all our competitors.
We have to decide on the feeling/concept that we want to sell. I will depend on the decisions taken in the previous steps.
What concept do we need to emphasize?
Which characteristic of the product justifies that?
Why do you believe it will help to sell the product?
We have decided to emphasize the concept of _________. This concept is related with ______characteristic of the product________. I think this will help us to sell our product because _______________.

5th Step
Image result for slogan
Now it’s time for the slogan. We have to transform concepts to words. We have to use all kinds of techniques.  
You have to find 5 words related to your product and investigate about them. From this investigation you have to create a good slogan. You have to look up the rhymes. The meanings and the synonyms are also important. It is good if you use a word game.



6th Step
Image result for LABELLING
Labeling and Packaging
You have got a claim, a concept, a name and a slogan; it’s time to make esthetic decisions.
What colours do you think suit your product? Why?
What typography of the letters? Why?
What type of packaging? Why?

We have decided that the best colours for our product are because_______________. The typography will be because ___________. The packaging we will choose is ____________ because _________________.

7th Step
Image result for STORYBOARD
Now we have to create a commercial for TV. You have to write a script. You have to decide the way it would be performed.




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PRINTABLE PDF VOCABULARY LIST WRITING:  COVER LETTER STRUCTURE Opening Dear Sir/Madam Paragraph 1 (Where you saw the ad and the ...